Jane's Guide Here's all the help you need to use Jane.

Files Area in Chart

Often you’ve uploaded something to a client’s chart, and you’re just looking for a quick way to find and review the upload.


There’s an area in every patient’s profile called “Files” where you can conveniently review all uploads with a preview of the file. Not only can you conveniently preview all files and jump to specific chart entries, but you can also upload images of patient ID cards, X-rays and even lab requisitions.

Let’s take a look at the different ways that the Files area can help!

Your files will default as thumbnails in a grid (as seen in the above screenshot) or you can toggle to a list view.

Uploading Files

You can choose to upload files here in the Files area and you can make several changes to how that file is stored.

One of the best features about the Files Upload area is you can upload multiple files at once by selecting them all from your saved files on your device and dragging and dropping them into the upload area.

Then, either drag and drop them into the upload area, or use the select the “New File/Image” button to use the file finder tool.

❗️ Please note that once a File has been uploaded, only the staff member who initially uploaded the File can make changes, such as adding or removing it from the Charts tab or adjusting its visibility to the patient. Other staff members will not have the ability to make these modifications. If a different staff member needs to take ownership of the File, it must be reuploaded by that staff member.

Size of File

Jane does have a file size maximum for both the Charts area and the Files area, which is 50MB. Most scanners are set by default to a very high resolution - more than you need for this type of scan. High resolutions create larger files that take time to upload.

Format of Files

Jane supports multiple different file formats, allowing you to upload documents, audio files, and even video files to store and/or share with your patients.

The supported file formats are:

  • jpeg
  • pdf
  • docx
  • mp4

File Options

Once you’ve uploaded the file, you have a few options for the settings:

  • Do you want it included in the patient’s chart? If yes, click the toggle to send it there.
  • Do you want your patient to be able to see it in their My Account? If yes, click the bar that says “Not Visible to Patient” to flip it to “Visible to Patient”
  • Do you want other staff to be able to see it? Use the drop-down menu to select who is able to view the file.

Here’s how that edit screen looks:

If you need to export chart entries from Jane, any patient files you upload in this section will be included in the official chart export, provided the file was authored by the practitioner being exported.

You can check out our guide on Batch Chart Exports for Practitioners to learn more about how to manage this process

If you want your upload to be included in the medical chart, just be sure to toggle on that option. Grey means OFF and blue means ON, as shown below.

You can learn more about the patient portal here.

To access the edit menu after the initial upload or after uploading multiple files, use the pencil icon that appears when you hover your mouse over the image.

Or from the list view, click on an image to view and choose the pencil icon from there:

Signing a Chart

If you upload the document, and you do want it added as part of the official chart record, Jane will upload the document as a draft entry. It will need to be reviewed and signed either by the appropriate practitioner or by whoever uploaded the document.

Hop over to the chart tab to either review and sign or to assign the chart to the appropriate practitioner.

Learn more about uploading, reviewing, and signing off on results by clicking here!.

The guide document above gives you some tips about how to best manage uploads like scans, reports or results that should be reviewed by a practitioner.


There’s some handy icons on each upload that can give you some helpful information about the documents you’re seeing.

There’s an eye icon and a lock icon.

The eye icon denotes one of two states:

  • Crossed Out: the upload is NOT visible to the client in the patient portal.

  • Whole: the upload IS available in the patient’s portal to view.

The lock icon denotes three possible states:

  • Absent: If it is not there at all, then the upload is NOT part of the official chart record. Any uploads in the Files areas without that icon will not be included as part of the chart export. These are admin-only documents.

  • Unlocked: An unlocked padlock means that the upload is attached to an unlocked chart entry (a draft). It is part of the official medical chart, but is in draft form and needs to be reviewed and signed.

  • Locked: The locked padlock means the upload is part of a locked chart entry (already signed).

Removing a File from a Chart

To unlink a patient’s file upload from a chart entry, the staff member who initially uploaded the file can head over to the Files section within the patient’s profile.

Next, hover over the uploaded file and click on the black pencil icon:

From there, they can toggle off the Include in Chart option. Make sure to click the blue Save button to confirm those changes.

Jane will automatically remove the file upload as a chart entry and you’re all set!

Deleting a File

To delete a patient’s file upload, the staff member who initially uploaded the file or authored the chart entry can head over to the Files section within the patient’s profile.

Next, hover over the uploaded file and click on the black pencil icon:

Next, you’ll want to click on the red trashcan icon to delete the file. You’ll get a little pop-up letting you know that once you confirm, this action cannot be undone as a final way to confirm this is an action that you’d like to complete.

❗️ Please note that only the staff member who originally uploaded a File or the Account Owner has the ability to delete an uploaded File. Other staff members will not have access to delete Files they did not upload.


The final piece of info about the files area is around who can see what! Jane’s privacy settings around uploads will behave in the same way as those of other chart entries. All settings will respect the privacy and sharing settings of the person logged in.

Read more about privacy and access levels here.

Additional Notes

Can I filter or search for different files?

We don’t currently have the ability to filter documents to those that are administrative only (i.e. ones that are not part of the official chart). The best way to find these entries would be to flip to the list view and scan for ones that have no lock icon. You can use your browser search tool here to search for the File name you’re looking for (Command + F on a Mac, and Control + F on a PC).

Can I make folders in the Files section?

No - this area is currently designed to store individual files only. If you need to organize multiple files, you might consider compressing them into a zip file before uploading, which can help manage multiple documents as a single file.

For even better document and chart management, review our other guide document on Pinning and Starring Charts

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