Photos can be a great compliment to a chart entry to track skin conditions, range of motion, misalignments, and progress of treatment over time.
You can use your mobile device to take photos and load those directly into a client’s chart.
To do this you will want to work with a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet, and access the client’s chart.
Learn more about using Jane on a mobile device here.
Taking a Photo
Use the “Image/File Upload” option of the chart to begin the process:
And from there you can take a picture using your device:
Which will upload directly to the client’s chart on Jane’s secure servers. Most devices can do this without being saved on your local device, however, it’s not a guarantee as each device and browser uploads information differently. Check your device camera folder to see if you need to archive any locally saved data after the documents have been uploaded
Before & After Photos
You’re now able to use the Side-by-Side chart part to be able to track before & after photos in Jane!
You can add this chart part as part of your chart templates, or have it be a standalone chart entry by heading into the patient’s Charts section in their profile, then selecting the Grid icon > Items > Side-by-Side.
If you need to share this Before & After image with your client, you can read through our help guide on Sharing Chart Entries with Patients.
File/Image Uploads
In your chart template, add two File/Image uploads. In the first one, you can name it “Before - [date placeholder]” and in the second “After - [date placeholder]”. When you go to chart, you can upload each of these images separately.
Displaying Photos over Time
You might also want to take a look at Jane’s pinning and starring options too!
Imagining you’ve used Jane’s photo upload feature and pins of your client over 3 different time periods, Jane can help display progress over time. Neat.